Friday, October 24, 2008

Great katana Pachipachio

Gonna talk about good things for pachipachio

1st this Great Katana alot better look than the most sam using Hagun it look very nice and something new

2nd as you notice the delay is different than hagun and most other GKs it have 480 delay while other is 450 with this extra 30 delay and alot of stores TP gears and capped merit you can do 20TP per hit well this things is not old some ppl use that on polearm but it's new to GK but the cool parts in the next things,

3rd with Pachipachio you can easily do self darkness or light without using Sekkanoki all you need is meditate like 90% not to miss renkei due to late or missed hit here is videos

Self Darkness

Self light

Good bye Asuma ;_; my favorite fight characate in Naruto Shippuden

late at evening i went to friend house and SSBB until i K.Oed!


  1. wtf no snake? or ike? how can you call this SSBB!
    i need to educate you guys on the ways of true SSBB battles,
    on a side note you friend seems to have a xbox360 too does he have any problems with it? like RROD (red ring of doom) i hear alot of xboxs
    ending overheating and thrown away... it what makes me from buying one.
    and yeah i'm actually glad asuma died he was a background character to start with no real importance whats so ever his death wasn't all that dramatic too. i hope his Girl friend follows him soon too LOL now i'm being mean :p


  2. have all char of SSBB in different Wii but this is my friend Wii he gimp ; ; and welcome to v.s me anytime! tell me if want my friend code
    about xbox i think take the one with jester chip
    it's so quite and much less overheating
    Asuma ;_; was really good at him on Naruto Shippuden fight 2 and his girl is cute if u no want it i take her!
