Wednesday, March 18, 2009

back to Final Fantasy for once and for all !

after end of nightmare course and clear in my mind decide to back to game again and will keep play until one of three happened or more than one then will end FFXI since i like complete the thing i start no like leave it incomplete :-

1- Get Spharai my dream weapon T_T
2- finish Wing of the Goddess story
3- or my death !

many things happened and i was so lazy to keep update every info =.=;;;
anyway after long journey with PeaceMaker LS it have reach the end of that journey and i want to say thanks for who i met in that ls was my pleasure and i am sorry if i hurt person because if i did i am sure didnt intended to do that in purpose and Big missing to anicent members and friends solidius shirotenshi dukefleed vinc i wish we can play again in ffxi or another game :)

here some picture of my memory, but of course not all of it!


  1. Nooooooo!!!!!
    not again!! lol
    Go WoW man!!! :P

  2. WoW over my dead body! enough 1 mmorpg in my life

    hardly can balance other thingy alrdy =.=;;

  3. Should quit the game and save yourself from the emos :]
