Wednesday, November 19, 2008

You must see it ! , One piece movie 9th chopper story after alter.

this one piece movie alot better than last one which is just short cut of many old eps this one is about chopper story with alters they meet chopper after franky and so many slights changes and refresh of nice old story put together was really very exciting and emotional movie lol

suggest you go watch it now!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Tales of Vesperia

Tales of Vesperia is latest tales game released and 1st on Xbox360 and fastest one ever release on NA version...

well since i am tales fan this one is very nice one that have veryyy good english dub even for opening and as usually very interested story but this one have nicer dialog and my favor thing on tales is the Coliseum!

here some of my playing

This is the Opening theme of Tales of Vesperia

really very good games and i am still around 25% of it only!

Monday, November 10, 2008

The end for me with FFXI farewell friends!

i have decide to quit ffxi and care about my real life more but the hard part is saying good bye to friends...

here some picture of my memories

Hardest part were saying good bye to friends specially Cerealkiller he is more than half for me in ffxi really cant express in words but i will say this you were better thing i ever had in ffxi

and thanks all to who know me and i know them..

Peace everyone~

P.S will keep update blog from time to time but non-ffxi stuff



Saturday, November 8, 2008

Seto no Hanayome Jin (OVA)

really great they released OVA of most anime that let me laugh , really suggest who watch anime
to watch this! but watch the normal one before watch this OVA so u dont get lost haha.


Brucewillis =.=;;

Thursday, November 6, 2008

T.G.I Friday's + GTR!

This Thursday went T.G.I Friday's so nice restaurant have very nice appetizers and very nice oreo icecream like this !

also while going to that restaurant we say Nissan GTR...

this is video for GTR history so nice Super japanese car althought i am not car fan but this really something...

and my friend 7amod was /honry on it no blame him his dreams car!



A new Telecoms company actually it's the 3rd one now they give free numbers as beta go get you number before it taken!!

Finally the Tidal talisman arrived =.=

since the jacket that come with the game i feel it doesnt suit me so i decide to give it to a good friend i know

also did 5 nyzul =.=;; but was worth this cool picture!

Kong fu galka!


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Dyn-sandy and salvage

was even at PM dyn-sandy was fun to try again dual box whm+sam and as assister and PT with myself!

best two part were in the following pictures!

1st is this

ppl see me as orc ; ;

2nd is this full wipega at extra farming after boss

after dyn i rolled for 100 v.s 5 ppl i was the 5th! should let lowest get the 100 ; ;


Salvage : Arrapago

went to Arrapago Remnants as farm run without boss since our brds mia -_- but good was able to sleep eariler and got nice drops and a death from who warn us but he didnt warned himself!

and an gg-self!


this nice rock song got from friend i rarely listen to rock songs anyway

Monday, November 3, 2008


This morning going to college it was raining and cloudy you can't see the sun from the cloud was nice since ages it didn't rain here in kuwait when done college going back to home it was raining more!!

afternoon it stopped and gave such nice weather hope it last like this as much as it could w

during college this is my first attending to network lab.... been absent ONLY 1 month i was so prepared to be scold by dr. and give him the innocent face w , in the end i was suprise he was dr, who tought me maintenance lab in last course so end up greeting him with huge and kisses because long time didnt saw him and enter class like nothing happend haha Lucky!!!

Pure Devil on Gundam 00...

must be you favorite char Omegaz!!! so sure it's!

Salvage before zzz!

did Bhaflau Remnants got Mad Bomber and many 4 spider poped! and droping macha and enlil

was fun able to do rana at chigoes 2500~4200dmg not something super but it's nice see big number from GK who usually 1 or rarely 2 hits so hard see high number dmg

and this is ck's emo ws!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Einherjar / One piece (Nightmare Luffy!)

This time i tried dual box on Einherjar wasnt that hard and felt more firepower
but like the usually boss owned us , this boss bad breath really nasty...

and i got owned x2!! by both my char and fahed haha

think i will keep Dual box since we are not alot of ppl


One piece

one piece is one of longest anime novel ever but it's one of the anime you will watch it and suddenly laugh so high! (check this bo9lo7 since you its you best anime!)

this is brock skeleton guy! very funny genital guy who love girls pants! who doesnt :P

Nightmare Luffy...

only one comment about Nightmare Luffy SEE IT BY YOURSELF

there is new OPing for One piece it's remake of first one "We Are"

well older one was better ;_;

but listen to this legend of Sogo King song!

yesterday dynamis and nyzul

i was so lazy to write this about yesterday, so gonna write it now about yesterday

yesterday went to dyn-jeuno but got ppl wait outside so i asked dbeeo to le me random with them
and like usually i lost! this time lost by 30 different ;_; Drizzt course!!!

so went to dyn windy and db won roll with another ls ==.== he should random not me instead at jeuno ;_;

first time i tried dual char play inside dyn was quit fun dual box sam/nin and whm self haste and feel free to ws! but it's a bit tiring and cant much focus in chat log and got free lot whm feet for friend whm mule w

but didnt cleared =.=;; too much miss around for farm , best thing was is i won between 5 ppls roll.... while i cant even beat 1 person for dyn-jeuno!!!

later we decide do some nyzul for climbing was crowded so i waited outside and tossed lead things and poor cereakiller ww

he did 2 run succuess with epic aggros were inside according to with they told me w

then i switch with him as WHM!!!! 69

was not easy because mp drain off to fast should had load some mp drinks =.=;;

but we were SUPER lucky and won under less than 10sec!!!!

i got best rmt offer anybody would have!!!

that is when Kyran rmt mode on!

note ck = cerealkiller

P.S not real just joke tell who fool believe 1m for 500$ anyway =.=


this song from also dunno which anime that if it's from anime also dunno =.=
Nalien gave me w