Sunday, November 2, 2008

Einherjar / One piece (Nightmare Luffy!)

This time i tried dual box on Einherjar wasnt that hard and felt more firepower
but like the usually boss owned us , this boss bad breath really nasty...

and i got owned x2!! by both my char and fahed haha

think i will keep Dual box since we are not alot of ppl


One piece

one piece is one of longest anime novel ever but it's one of the anime you will watch it and suddenly laugh so high! (check this bo9lo7 since you its you best anime!)

this is brock skeleton guy! very funny genital guy who love girls pants! who doesnt :P

Nightmare Luffy...

only one comment about Nightmare Luffy SEE IT BY YOURSELF

there is new OPing for One piece it's remake of first one "We Are"

well older one was better ;_;

but listen to this legend of Sogo King song!


  1. dude its been like 6 years since i started watching one piece its one of the animes that you don't want to finsh and hopefully go forever.
    and lol@ the new OP .. remake? why? did they decide to cut their budget or something.

    what the hell is that song? i never heard of it before, sound like an anime from the 70s.


  2. ya i agree i wish it never end , but the new OP not very good ; ;

    it's same the 1st OP of one piece but remake... to more sucker that old too bad
