Sunday, November 2, 2008

yesterday dynamis and nyzul

i was so lazy to write this about yesterday, so gonna write it now about yesterday

yesterday went to dyn-jeuno but got ppl wait outside so i asked dbeeo to le me random with them
and like usually i lost! this time lost by 30 different ;_; Drizzt course!!!

so went to dyn windy and db won roll with another ls ==.== he should random not me instead at jeuno ;_;

first time i tried dual char play inside dyn was quit fun dual box sam/nin and whm self haste and feel free to ws! but it's a bit tiring and cant much focus in chat log and got free lot whm feet for friend whm mule w

but didnt cleared =.=;; too much miss around for farm , best thing was is i won between 5 ppls roll.... while i cant even beat 1 person for dyn-jeuno!!!

later we decide do some nyzul for climbing was crowded so i waited outside and tossed lead things and poor cereakiller ww

he did 2 run succuess with epic aggros were inside according to with they told me w

then i switch with him as WHM!!!! 69

was not easy because mp drain off to fast should had load some mp drinks =.=;;

but we were SUPER lucky and won under less than 10sec!!!!

i got best rmt offer anybody would have!!!

that is when Kyran rmt mode on!

note ck = cerealkiller

P.S not real just joke tell who fool believe 1m for 500$ anyway =.=


this song from also dunno which anime that if it's from anime also dunno =.=
Nalien gave me w


  1. GRATZ on your... DUCKbills and hey you look good wearing that noble along with...AF1 condom head?
    and seriously 1mil gill for 500$ its quite the bargain indeed, i recommend that you take the offer and try to survive the next couple of months eating noodles or (5bz wo jbn).

    the name of the song is Wahrheit it means truth in german its not an anime song but the band is known for making anime themes thats why it feels like an anime song.btw Yousei Teikoku is the name of the band.

  2. coded msg to bador.
    la3t chabdy men Anonymous said. ako 6areqa y6l3 feha esmy bedal anon bdon maykon 3ndy blog?


  3. well i think it's possible but need do account of blog or other like livejournal
    i allowed anonymous so ppl like us lazy able to comment and put his name in the end of comment

    thx for info about this song!
